Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Signs and Banners Magazine | How to Create Effective Brand Recognition and Marketing
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When it comes to wraps, no object is off limits for Rod Voegele, president of Gatorwraps.com, a wrap provider in Ontario, Caif. From walls to desks Voegele's shop is covered in vinyl, so when his customers walk through the door, they realize wraps are so much more than just a vehicle application.
Particularly, wraps are an effective way to increase brand awareness, Voegele states. With such striking graphics and high impression hits, multiple wraps can be tied together, increasing brand recognition.
Whether Voegele and his team are designing a basic vehicle wrap or a more unique application, he says it's important to be sure you are clearly and memorably displaying the company's industry and contact information. Sure, catchy graphics may turn heads, but if the wrap doesn't effectively communicate with the audience, it does not serve as a useful branding tactic.
"We've had a lot of customers find success when using a graphic that instantly says what their business is and how they can be contacted. And, obviously, when our customer succeeds, we succeed," Voegele says.
Recently, Voegele and his team took on a multiple-wrap project for Mona Vie, a acai berry-based juice manufacturer. They first wrapped an H2 Hummer for a MonaVie sales representative, but when some of the company executives saw the vehicle, they decided to use a display during a large event in Anaheim, Calif. From there, what started as a simple vehicle wrap quickly turned into an expansive project that focused on promoting the MonaVie brand.
Cooler wraps have especially been popular with the MonaVie project. Each cooler wrap was designed slightly different to serve the various markets but still reinforced the MonaVie brand. For example, one cooler was modeled after the new energy drink while another featured images of wakeboarding for the sports enthusiast.
To keep the branding consistent, the MonaVie logo was included on all cooler wraps, and creative elements from the vehicle wraps were incorporated into the design. Voegele adds that MonaVie used these wrap applications to enhance the event feel, which strengthened the branding message.
"It becomes more of an event than just handing out cans," Voegele coments. "When people see the wrapped truck and then a wrapped cooler, the brand recognition becomes larger than life."
Voegele and his team applied the MonaVie wraps using avery 1005 EZ RS cast vinyl with Avery DOL 1060 laminate, and they were printed on a Mutoh ValueJet.
Gatorwraps.com certainly hasn't shied away from unique wrap applications, and Voegele expects this trend to grow throughout the year.